Saturday, January 08, 2005

Now we're cookin'

The camera is finally up and running, so there will be a veritable orgy of photo taking chez Wool Palace this weekend.

First out of the traps is Cloud. She never got the attention she deserved, poor thing. I did carry her on my wedding day and she came to Rome with us too, but she was never properly photographed, so her she is.

Folded over, as I couldn't get her all in one shot. The colour is a little lighter than this.

Close up, showing the stitch pattern and ruffles at the edge. This is truer to the colour of the KSH - the shade is called 'Blood'.

Here she is, being modelled by Josie.

I really enjoyed knitting this pattern. I love the look of KSH, but haven't got on too well with actually knitting with it in the past. I started Birch, but frogged it and re-knit it with some Donegal 4-ply instead. I started Karis and loved the look of it, but found it such slow going. However, there seems to be something about this pattern that really suits KSH, or maybe I'm finally starting to get the hang of the yarn.

Anyway, onwards and upwards! I have more photos to take, so maybe another post tomorrow.

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