Thursday, November 11, 2004

It's so Surreal

So Tuesday night was knitting night. My knitting group meets in a pub, as do lots of London groups. As pubs go, it's pretty good - not too smokey, nice comfy leather sofas and that bar staff are nice to us. There was a reasonably big group there this time - about 8 of us. For the last couple of months it's just been 4 of us, the 4 that started the group, at each meeting, so it's good to see more people coming along.

So there we all are, knitting away, talking about things, then Helen decides to take some photos to record the event. Then, suddenly a man sidles up and asks if he can take a photo of us too - 'why?' we ask. His reply, 'It's so surreal, to walk into a groovy bar and find a bunch of girls knitting'. Hmmm. The use of the phrase 'groovy bar' about a pub down a side street in Clapham on a Tuesday night was his first mistake. Anyway, he took his photo, we took ours and went our separate ways (he went to a table in the conservatory with his friends).

Here we are looking askance at the man having the 'surreal' experience

So, anyway, back to knitting (just ignore him).

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