Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Bad day yesterday. The whole afternoon was spent dealing with grumpy 8 year old with Zoo Tycoon issues, namely his wanting to play it and my refusal to let him. Our moods can be summed up by these examples from his spelling homework:

My mum is horrible.
I feel terrible.
It is possible that my mum will become very angry.

He had to go to bed straight after his bath.

I then spent almost 6 hours sewing up a bloody elephant that I had rashly agreed to knit for someone. 6 hours sewing up - this is why I don't knit toys. The last toy I knitted was a teddy for my younger sister when I was about 10. Not a coincidence I think that this was the last thing I knitted until I was 26 and pregnant? No more toys for me. I was actually paid to knit this toy - but no sum would be enough to knit something that takes 6 hours to sew up. My own fault really, I should have said no.

After all that sewing, I did a little knitting while watching the final of The Sopranos, which finished at past midnight (why Channel 4?). I managed to do one more set of increases on the Hourglass Sweater - 14 rounds in total. Only two more to go before I divide for the yoke.

Off to my knitting group tonight. Details are on the
Cast Off website if anyone's interested.

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