Friday, November 19, 2004

I'm so excited

Three comments! You wait a whole week, and then three come along at one. Thanks everyone - it's nice to get feedback, especially from lovely people like yourselves.

I did read them all yesterday and wrote an entry, but then Blogger went down and I lost it all.

I was full of gloom and despair as I hadn't been able to find anything for the wedding, after 5 hours traipsing up and down Oxford Street, around Selfridges etc, all on late night shopping day and in the rain. Fun, fun, fun! I did manage to get an outfit for Sam and some new pyjamas for him too. The pyjamas were pretty essential as he is going to a sleepover tomorrow and the ones he is currently wearing have holes in the knees (yes, I am a bad, slack mother). I popped into Liberty and picked up new 2.5mm dpns and some 4.5mm dpns for Hourglass Sweater. It was a mark of how depressed I was that I didn't even go and join the Rowanettes meeting in the cafe. Sorry girls, if any of you are reading this, I wouldn't have been good company.

Fi asked about the Hourglass Sweater. I don't think it requires an hourglass figure, it's more that it has shaping at the waist, which the book says,'flatters most women's figures'. So there you go. Digital camera is at work at the moment (actually it belongs to work, but I can borrow it sometimes) so I will take a picture on Monday, which will hopefully show the shaping.

Thanks for all your kind words about the wedding. The good news is that I did find a dress today! All that wandering around yesterday, today I went into this shop, which is very near where I do voluntary work on Friday mornings. An hour later, I was walking out with a new dress. I'll keep the details secret for now, but I'm very pleased. It's by no means a traditional wedding dress, but it fits in with the feel of the day, or how I want it to be.

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